Top ranked special educational needs solicitors

As we approach the end of 2020, and a new school term starting next month, it is a good time to reflect on the different schools the Boyes Turner Education Team have helped children and young people (C/YP) with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) to attend over the years. This has either been through appeals to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal or through negotiations with the Local Authority (LA) either before lodging an appeal or before the appeal hearing takes place.
We help clients from all over England to secure suitable school placements for their C/YP with EHCPs, who have a variety of needs and provision required. Whilst some C/YP may be able to have their needs met in a mainstream setting, often a more specialist provision is required, and sometimes this involves a residential placement if there is no suitable provision within the home borough.
We are proud at the range of schools we have worked with over the years, as well as being able to help YP over 16 and 19 secure suitable educational placements. This follows the transition to EHCPs from Statements of SEN, following implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014, with EHCPs being able to support a YP in education up until the age of 25.
We have also helped with a number of secondary school transitions when there is an EHCP in place, including when a specialist placement may be needed after difficulties in mainstream during primary years and the demands of a mainstream secondary provision would not be suitable.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of schools we have had named in EHCPs:
Local authority maintained special schools:
Addington School – for pupils aged 3-19 with learning difficulties and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Southbrook School – for pupils aged 11-16 with a variety of needs, including moderate or severe learning difficulties, ASD, speech, language and communication needs, sensory needs and /or physical disabilities
Thames Valley School – for pupils aged 4-16 with ASD
Willow Dene School – for pupils aged 2-16 with severe and complex needs, including physical disabilities
Non-maintained special schools:
High Close School - day and residential places for pupils aged 7-18 with complex social, emotional and mental health needs
Ingfield Manor School - day and residential places for pupils aged 3-19 with neurological motor impairment such as cerebral palsy and associated sensory and medical needs
Moor House School and College - for pupils aged 7-19 with language disorders
More House School - day and residential places for boys aged 8-19 with specific language and learning difficulties
New College Worcester - for pupils aged 11-19 who are blind or visually impaired
St Elizabeth’s School and College - for pupils aged 5-25 with severe epilepsy and complex needs, offering day and residential places, as well as respite provision for pupils and their families
St Piers School - day and residential places for pupils aged 5-19 with a range of needs including ASD, epilepsy and acquired brain injury
Talbot House Trust - day and residential places for pupils aged 5-18 with emotional and behavioural difficulties
Treloar School - day and residential places for pupils aged 2-18 with complex needs, including physical needs
Independent special schools:
Beech Lodge - for pupils aged 7-18 with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyscalculia, or social and emotional difficulties such as anxiety and adverse childhood experiences
BeyondAutism Park House School - for pupils aged 4-13 with ASD, using approaches such as Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)
Derwen College - for pupils aged 16-25 with learning disabilities, to follow a range of curriculum and independence learning programmes, offering day and residential places
Egerton Rothesay School - for pupils aged 6-19 with needs such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, speech and language needs and ASD
Fairley House School - for pupils aged 6-16 years with specific learning difficulties
Foxes Academy - for pupils aged 18 and over with disabilities, such as Downs Syndrome, to support employment into the hospitality industry, offering residential places
Frewen College - for pupils aged 7-19 with dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, as well as speech, language and communication needs
LVS Hassocks - for pupils aged 11-19 with high functioning ASD, or Asperger’s syndrome
Moon Hall - for pupils aged 5-16 with dyslexia
National Star College - for pupils aged 16 and over with physical disabilities, acquired brain injury and associated learning difficulties
Purbeck View School - day and residential places for pupils aged 7-19 with ASD
Treloar College - day and residential places for pupils aged 16-25 with complex physical difficulties
Unsted Park School - for pupils aged 7-19 with ASD
Wilds Lodge School - day and residential places for pupils aged 5-19 with social, emotional and mental health difficulties
EHCP school transition reviews should be in place or have happened by now. For secondary places, to start from September 2021, these Reviews must have taken place and a decision issued by the LA before the 15 February 2021, and for post-16 placement transitions it is the 31 March 2021. It is important to gather information about your parental preference school in good time to put to the LA at Review, or through an appeal if necessary.
There are online sources to search for schools, some are listed below:
If you are thinking of requesting a change of placement then it is important you have good evidence to support this, and to seek legal advice if you are unsure of the process or how to challenge the school named in the EHCP.
The Boyes Turner Education Team is working remotely during this time and fully able to continue with new enquiries. We can help at whatever stage you are with your EHCP and can be contacted on 0118 952 7219 or via
I am so happy at the outcome, I don't think we would have had such a comprehensive service from any other law firm, and you took the worry away...I do not regret a single second of the whole process, apart from the bit before you got involved.
James' mother, Boyes Turner client
Contact our expert specialist education solicitors today for support with your claim