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Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) FAQ's

What is an EHCNA and how to request one? This is the first step in the EHC Plan (EHCP) process. It is asking the local authority to carry out a holistic assessment of a child or young person’s education, health and care needs, to determine if they may...

An Overview of Education Otherwise Than at School (EOTAS)

EOTAS is the term used for pupils who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and it would be inappropriate for them to attend an educational institution (i.e. a school or college - a ‘school or post-16 institution or a place at which...

A reminder of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and funding

EHCPs are meant to detail, amongst other things, the special educational provision to be delivered to a child or young person. This provision would be under Section F. We often see EHCPs that also have reference to funding/bands, and sometimes instead of...

Schools and EHCPs - What happens if a school says they are full?

We are regularly asked what parents can do if a school requested to be named in an EHCP has said they are full. To answer this, there are different criteria to consider, depending on the type of school. So, we first need to look at the different types of...

Home to School Transport

What is it? Home to school transport is transport to and from school, arranged by the local authority (LA), free of charge to the pupil. When should it be provided? The LA must provide transport for an eligible pupil if there are no other arrangements in...

A Reminder on Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Transition Reviews

A reminder that: The 15 February marked the legal deadline for local authorities to issue EHCPs naming secondary school type (as a minimum) in Section I: This will describe the type of school that your child will attend from September in Year 7. This...

Problems obtaining an EHCP?

Potential systemic non-compliance - deter, defer, delay Reminder of remedies for refusal to assess decisions/breach of 20-week assessment windows A great recent case ( W, R (On the Application Of) v Hertfordshire County Council [2023] ) well worth a...

Is your child's ASD/ADHD linked to a birth injury? - What you can do

How did your birth plan go? A personal question but one that is worth considering. Whilst ASD and ADHD can be genetically linked there are incidences where the conditions are in fact triggered by physical injury caused by sub-standard medical care. ...

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), Mental Capacity and Family Law: What you Need to Know

Family cases involving children and young people with SEND often feature added complexity, beyond the remit of family courts. Mencap and Public Health England identified 353,000 children as having a learning disability (2016) and with divorce rates sharply...

Learning Disability Week 2023

This year we want to show the world the incredible things that people with a  learning disability  achieve, smashing misconceptions about what people can do and shining a light on the stigma many still face every day. Mencap’s Learning...

Pupils with SEND - Out of school; what are their options?

Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are legally entitled to attend school along with their peers. Compulsory school starting age for all pupils is 5 years old  [1] and they must remain in school full-time until the end of the...

60 Seconds with James Pantling-Skeet - Dorset Children's Foundation (DCF) Trustee

James Pantling-Skeet is an experienced Associate in Boyes Turner’s highly regarded Community Care, Court of Protection and Special Educational Needs teams.  In this 60-second read, James talks to experienced medical negligence solicitor...

Back to School Special: Day 5 - Health and/or Social Care Mediation

This is the final article in our series on matters parents/carers may need to address in the following year. You can find the other articles here . Parents/young people can request mediation if they are unhappy with the social and/or health care elements...

Back to School Special: Day 4 - SEN Mediation

This is the fourth in our series of articles this week, following on from what should be included in an EHCP, and how to find a placement. You can find the other articles here Parents/young people must have a mediation certificate before they can register...

Back to School Special: Day 3 - Finding a school or college for a pupil with an EHCP

This is the third in our series of back to school articles for parents and carers, following on from our discussion of the content of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and annual/phase transfer reviews. You can find the other articles here . Pupils...

Back to School Special: Day 2 - EHCP Annual Reviews and Phase Transfer Reviews

This is the second article in our ‘Back to School’ series; yesterday we examined the content of Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs). You can find the article here . Annual Reviews Local authorities (LAs) must review EHCPs at least once...

Back to School Special: Day 1 - Content of Education, Health and Care Plans

As pupils prepare to return to school and college, we’ve put together a series of five articles on matters that parents/carers may need to address in the next year. In our first article, we examine the content of Education, Health and Care Plans...

Annual Reviews and the Expired Loop!

An update to an article that we first produced in 2018 and following the recent case of R (on the application of L and others) v Devon County Council [2022] EWHC 493 (Admin) which has put to bed the Loop! A reminder of parent and young persons’...

School exclusions and pupils with SEN

Children with special educational needs (SEN) are 5 times more likely to receive a permanent exclusion than pupils with no known SEN. While the rate of permanent and fixed-period exclusions has come down, there is clearly more to be done to ensure that...

Autism and Educational, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)

The National Autistic Society describes autism as a ‘lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them’. Autism is a spectrum condition...

The Special Educational Needs (SEND) review green paper: right support, right place, right time

The Government has completed its review of education in England and has published a green paper proposing changes to the SEND and alternative provision (AP) system in England. It is hoped the changes will better support children and young people (CYP) to...

SNAP Webinar - Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments (EHCNA)

I spoke with SNAP Care on 16 March 2022 about EHCNAs and what parents and young people who have special educational needs should know. Below are some of the questions and answers: 1. What is an EHCNA? It is a holistic assessment of a child or young...

Plugging the gap on the never ending Annual Review cycle

The long awaited High Court judgment in R (L) v Devon CC [2022] EWHC 493 (Admin) finally provides clarity on the process of amending Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) after annual reviews. In short, if the local authority proposes to amend the EHCP...

All change: The Welsh ALN reforms

What are the ALN reforms? Pupils in Wales with special educational needs (SEN) are supported through early intervention/intervention plus; school action/action plus; and Statements of SEN. These are now being phased out in favour of a single statutory...

Snap Care - cease to maintain education, health and care plans (EHCPS)

I spoke with SNAP Care on 9 February 2022 about EHCPs, and what you need to know about when a Plan can be ceased, and when one is ceased, by the local authority (LA). Here are some of the questions and answers: If a young person (YP) reaches 19 years old...

Inside Government Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPS) Training - Key Points

I have provided training for Inside Government on ‘Meeting the Legal Requirements of an EHCP’, on several occasions, most recently in January 2022. A number of delegates were from schools and keen to know more about EHCPs. Below are some of the...

SNAP Webinar - Transition Review of EHCPs

I spoke with Snap Care on 12 January 2022, to discuss Transition Reviews of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Below are some of the questions and answers: 1.    What are Transition Reviews? EHCPs are legally required to be reviewed...

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Tribunal Extension Appeals

The SEND Tribunal ran a National Trial from 3 April 2018 until 31 August 2021 that enabled parents and young people (YP) with SEND who appealed to the SEND Tribunal about: Their local authority (LA) not issuing an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP); ...

Can I request an EHC needs assessment without a diagnosis?

The local authority must complete an EHC needs assessment if your child has or may have special educational needs, and if your child may need special educational provision to be made through an EHCP. You do not need a formal diagnosis in order to...

The Phase Transfer Review Process

Many Local Authorities (LA) are currently holding review meetings to review and amend the Education, Health and Care Plan (“EHCP”) for children or young people that are due to transfer from one phase of education to another. Phase transfer...

My child will soon be turning 18: Do they need a deputy?

Mental capacity and decision making When your child reaches 18 they will become a legal adult. Amongst other matters, this means that they will be deemed able to make their own decisions about all aspects of their life, unless it is established that they...

My child will soon be turning 18: What do I need to know?

Turning 18 is a fundamental milestone for all young people. For children and young people with a disability and/or special educational needs, it can be a particularly challenging time. In practice, planning for post-18 support for a disabled child tends to...

My LA has just declared bankruptcy - what does that mean for my child's SEN support or EHCP?

Slough Borough Council has declared bankruptcy, joining Northamptonshire County Council and Croydon Council in issuing notice that it can now provide only essential council services. In February 2021 the Financial Times reported twelve authorities were in...

Arranging EHCP provision: how long is 'reasonable'?

When a local authority (LA) issues an EHCP, it must arrange the provision specified in Section F (s42 Children & Families Act 2014). The question of what is ‘reasonable’ time to implement Section F was examined in the recent case of BA, R (On...

Snap Care Webinar - Back to School

I spoke with Snap Care on 31 March 2021, to discuss Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and the relevant topic of ‘Back to School’. Below are some of the questions and answers: 1. Should all children/young people (C/YP), including those...

Special Educational Needs (SEN) funding - What do I need to know?

An area of SEN that can cause uncertainty is funding and, in particular, the different elements of SEN funding and what, in practice, these mean for support for pupils in schools. Element 1 Known as the core budget/Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU) for each...

The question of specificity in EHCPs revisited - when is enough enough?

LB of Redbridge v HO (SEN): [2020] UKUT 323 (AAC) Those working with EHCPs will have heard many times over that provision in a Statement or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) must ‘ so specific and so clear as to leave no room for doubt as to...

EHCP - school transition deadline - 15 February

Hopefully today is the day the LA confirmed your parental choice of placement. Your local authority (LA) must issue a new Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for children moving to a new phase of education on or before 15 February. This is the stage...

Mental Health and SEND

Children and young people with SEND face additional barriers that can affect their mental health. Unidentified speech, language, and communication needs can significantly impact their ability to express feelings and to feel understood and connected to...

Children and Young People's Mental Health in 2021 - What do we know?

In October 2020 the NHS published the Mental Health Survey for Children and Young People. The Survey is notable because it follows up with participants who were questioned in 2017. The Survey offers a sobering insight into children and young...

Children's mental health crisis - is it new?

It is impossible to ignore the growing mental health crisis which has been exacerbated since school lockdown due to Covid-19. However, for many families with children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, this is nothing new. The lack of...

EHCPs - What do I need to know about Personal Budgets and Direct Payments?

What is the difference between a Personal Budget and Direct Payment?  A Personal Budget is an amount of money agreed with the local authority to deliver the education, health and/or social care provision in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)...

Schools and EHCPs - Can any School be named in Section I, and does the School have to agree?

One question we often get asked is what school a parent can request is named in Section I (placement) of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for a child or young person (C/YP) and does that school have to agree? First, we need to consider the...

A look back on schools named in EHCPs

As we approach the end of 2020, and a new school term starting next month, it is a good time to reflect on the different schools the Boyes Turner Education Team have helped children and young people (C/YP) with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) to...

The Surrey Exclusion Zone and SEN

Are you a parent of a child or young person with special educational needs (SEN) facing exclusion, or, subject to suspension? If so you fall into the significant, but increasing minority facing an increase in exclusion/suspension numbers. Statistics for...

Funding bands and Education, Health and Care Plans

The EHCP does not specify funding, it only specifies provision and it is not clear that the provision is dedicated solely to that pupil (local authority) We are often contacted by parents because their child or young person’s Education, Health and...

SEND back to normal - maybe not yet...

The Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations2020 came into force on 1 May 2020 with implications for children and young adults with SEND. The Regulations are in place until 25 September 2020. It is unclear whether further regulations around SEND will follow. The government has made it clear that children and young adults are to return to education as a priority. Minister Ford wrote to families and young people with SEND on 2 September 2020.

Transition reviews

Children and young people may transition between several stages of education: early years provider to school infant school to junior school primary school to middle school primary school to secondary school middle school to secondary school secondary...

School named on EHCP - independent mainstream v maintained special

Parents often reach out for help when they want to appeal the type and name of school on their child’s Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). For many children, the local maintained special or mainstream school is simply not the right fit. The special...

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Tribunal - Top Tips

With the academic year shortly starting back from September, albeit it is likely that this will look different as a result of Covid-19, this time of year also signals the start of a new year of appeal hearings for the SEND Tribunal.  The SEND Tribunal...
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I am so happy at the outcome, I don't think we would have had such a comprehensive service from any other law firm, and you took the worry away...I do not regret a single second of the whole process, apart from the bit before you got involved. 

James' mother, Boyes Turner client

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