Education, Health and Care Plans


Covid-19 - Changes triggered for children/young people with SEND

We last wrote about The Coronavirus Act 2020 and what it meant for children and young adults with special educational needs and/or disabilities here . Since then, there have been two key changes: 1)The Secretary of State for Education has now triggered ...

Covid-19 and children/young people with SEND

Much has happened over the last few weeks. Here’s a round-up of where we currently stand and what we know to date. This information is correct as of 30 March 2020. The Coronavirus Act 2020 has now been passed – the Act has implications for...

Autism and EHCPs - What you need to know

Autism Awareness Week (set up by the National Autistic Society ) runs this year from 30 March – 5 April 2020. It is a good opportunity to highlight the importance of how a good Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) can really make a difference for...

SEND Tribunal National Trial - What you need to know

What is the SEND Tribunal? The Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST) is an independent specialist tribunal that hears appeals during the EHCP process. This includes appeals from parents or a young person (YP) whose request for an...

Key Education Health and Care Plan diary dates for the year ahead

If you are a parent with a child or young person (YP) with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), then now is a good time to look ahead at the New Year and to plan for the key dates in the SEN calendar. Whilst timescales for the EHCP process are legally...

"You can't get an EHCP for dyslexia" - Can you?

How many times have you heard this? Is it true? The simple answer is it very much depends upon the learning needs of each individual. The first challenge is to obtain a diagnosis. Many children and young people struggle through their education, remaining...

The importance of a good educational psychologist in EHCP cases

A report by an educational psychologist (EP) is often the corner stone for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). What do educational psychologists do for the EHCP? EPs gather information within the school/education context to work alongside other...

What are the '7 aspects of engagement'? New statutory assessment on the horizon

Pupils working below the standard of the national curriculum assessments are currently assessed using P scales 1 to 4. On 22 November 2018 the Department for Education (DfE) announced its plans to replace existing P scales 1 to 4 with a new statutory...

Amputation & special educational needs - What can be done to help?

A child or young person can face the trauma of amputation in a myriad of circumstances, be it from the treatment of meningitis or cancer, or as a result of an accident or injury. However, whatever the cause of injury, the recovery and rehabilitation of a...
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I am so happy at the outcome, I don't think we would have had such a comprehensive service from any other law firm, and you took the worry away...I do not regret a single second of the whole process, apart from the bit before you got involved. 

James' mother, Boyes Turner client

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